About Us


Mission Statement: Our mission is to ensure that all students graduate qualified for post-high school options including university enrollment, community college, career-technical enrollment, military service, or the job market, so that they have genuine choices after graduation.

Vision Statement: Our vision is to create an inclusive culture in order to help our students value themselves as learners, become educated citizens, college and career ready, and acquire a global perspective as contributing participants in a rapidly changing world.


Mount Shasta High School Graduates are:

Creative and complex thinkers who:

  • express original thought and develop inspiration in their areas of interest.

  • value learning, experiment with new ideas, and take risks in order to excel.

  • seek to bridge divides by challenging their own beliefs to understand other points of view.

  • solve college and career-related problems using various types of reasoning.

  • analyze information for bias and discern possible misinformation.

  • synthesize, summarize, compare, and contrast information from multiple sources.

Active citizens who:

  • show academic and personal integrity through their choices and actions.

  • are informed, involved, and take an active role in building positive communities at school and at large.

  • identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view to solve problems.

  • interpret information and draw conclusions to make informed decisions.

  • understand the need to adapt to a changing world and modify roles and responsibilities appropriately.

Effective communicators who:

  • demonstrate emotional intelligence in the ways that they engage with others.

  • recognize and interpret the elements of communication: written, verbal (vocabulary, enunciation, projection) and nonverbal (body language, eye contact, listening, attentiveness, etc), and use them in the appropriate contexts.

  • demonstrate understanding of information by interpreting technical and academic language and explaining it in common language.

Technologically proficient citizens who:

  • utilize technology responsibly and ethically to produce individual and shared products.

  • utilize technology to develop foundational skills to be used throughout life.

  • identify accurate and valid information through cross-referencing multiple sources.

  • understand the importance of Internet security and privacy for themselves and others.

  • adapt to ever evolving technology.